The Illusion of Perfection

Social media is lying to you and your eating disorder is listening.

Social media presents a virtual buffet of flawless images, a curated selection of moments captured to convey perfection. This distortion of reality tells us that everyone else has reached a pinnacle of physical and dietary perfection we can only dream of. And worse yet are all the people saying that if you do this or that, or try this special technique you can finally get rid of the last few pounds that are making you unhappy or fit into the clothes that models wear.

Our own reflections seem inadequate by comparison, and we can end up sacrificing healthy eating habits in the pursuit of an unattainable ideal.

The Voice of Comparison

As we scroll, the voice of comparison whispers insidiously, highlighting our flaws and magnifying our insecurities. This voice is an unwelcome companion in our journey. It steers us towards a dangerous path where our eating habits are influenced more by a desire to conform to these digital ideals than by our health or true happiness. We can start to think that happiness comes from losing the next few pounds or fitting into the next set of clothes. And if we fail to reach those goals, the guilt and fear will consume you.

Steps Towards Authenticity

To find our way back to a healthier relationship with food and our bodies, we have to change our relationship with social media. Here are a few things you can do to get started.


Curate Your Feed: Only follow accounts that share realistic perspectives on health and nutrition. Find people who are living healthy lifestyles that fit their body shape and offer a balanced perspective.

Practice Media Mindfulness: Become a critical consumer of social media content, questioning the realism and intentions behind what’s shared. By changing your internal conversation to one where these things are questioned, you can begin to fight the voice of comparison.

Realizing What’s Fake: When you start asking what people aren’t showing, you’ll come across another issue- all the fake content. Social media offers filters that cover up blemishes and presents us with something that isn’t even real. Understanding that can help you break away from bad thinking.

Engage in Real Conversations: Seek out and participate in discussions about the challenges and realities of maintaining a healthy relationship with food beyond the digital realm.

Seek Professional Opinions: A balanced voice can help you figure out what’s real and what’s fake. Sometimes the lines between real and fake get blurred on social media, so it can be helpful to have someone on your side who is able to give you a better perspective.



The journey towards a healthier self is ongoing, a path without a definitive end but filled with valuable lessons and moments of genuine contentment. Social media, with its lies and curated half-truths, can derail us, but by recognizing its deceptions, we can choose a different path; one paved with self-compassion and a realistic appreciation of our bodies.


If any of this has connected with you, you’re more than welcome to come sit by our fireplace and chat. We’d love to listen and support you as you navigate this journey. It’s not about reaching a destination but embracing your path and growing along the way.


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13575 E 104th Ave., Suite 300, Commerce City, CO 80022

(303) 997-6170

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Start Your Journey

13575 E 104th Ave., Suite 300, Commerce City, CO 80022

(303) 997-6170


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