Overcoming the Lies Your Brain Tells You

If you’ve ever been in the desert in the middle of summer, you know how easy it is for your eyes to play tricks on you. If you look across the desert you’ll probably see a mirage where the heat generates an illusion of water that vanishes when you get close.

Similarly, our minds are capable of creating elaborate illusions that can skew our perception of reality. These mirages can take many forms from exaggerated fears and insecurities to misconstrued interpretations of others’ actions. They present a reality that seems tangible at first but is far from the truth. And like a traveler in the desert, we might find ourselves chasing these illusions, only to find emptiness and confusion.

Spotting the Mirage

Detecting these mirages is the first step towards finding reality and building peace. In order to detect the lies our brains are telling us, we need a system to guide us. We need a way to separate from our thoughts and get a more objective view of what’s going on.

Here are three techniques that can help us do that:

Mindful Reflection: Cultivate a habit of mindfulness. This involves taking a moment to reflect on your thoughts and feelings without immediate reaction. Mindful reflection helps in creating a space between stimulus and response, allowing for a more objective evaluation of your thoughts. Ask yourself: “Am I reacting to the situation as it is, or as I perceive it to be?” And if you are unsure, use another technique.

Evidence-Based Analysis: Challenge your thoughts by seeking evidence. Break down a thought or belief into two columns: evidence for and evidence against. List specific instances that both support and contradict this belief. This technique will help you assess whether your perception is a reality or a distortion. Remember, distortions can have a touch of reality to them, but when you look at them next to the rest of the facts, it can balance your perspective.

Seek Alternative Perspectives: Our own viewpoint is often limited. Engaging in conversations with others, particularly those who might have a different outlook, can provide new insights. This is where your therapist or counselor can help you. It’s like having a navigator in the desert of our minds, offering directions from a more objective perspective.

Finding Reality

Navigating through the desert of our mind’s mirages to find reality is a skill that can be honed. It won’t always be an easy journey, but there is hope. And you don’t have to try to find that hope alone. You may not even have room for hope just yet. And that’s okay. We can hold the hope for you so it doesn’t become a burden.

If any of this has connected with you, you’re more than welcome to come sit by our fireplace and chat. We’d be honored to join your journey toward finding truth and reality in the midst of life’s mirages.


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13575 E 104th Ave., Suite 300, Commerce City, CO 80022

(303) 997-6170


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Start Your Journey

13575 E 104th Ave., Suite 300, Commerce City, CO 80022

(303) 997-6170


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